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Alro Steel with $50K Donation to Jackson YMCA


JACKSON, Mich., Dec. 17. 2020 – The Jackson YMCA announced that Alro Steel and the Glick
family are donating $50,000 to the Y campaign for a new contemporary facility in downtown
Jackson. Alro Steel and the Glick family are committed to programs that improve health, help the
disadvantaged, support youth programs, and assist with manufacturing education and training.

“Alro Steel is proud to support the Jackson community with a donation towards a new YMCA facility in
the heart of Jackson,” said Al Glick, who co-founded Jackson-based Alro Steel with his brother,
Robert, in 1948.

This news follows a series of recent announcements regarding the campaign. In January, the
Consumers Energy Foundation announced it would match contributions to the YMCA’s capital
campaign, up to $3 million. In November, the YMCA announced the $3 million match had been met
for a total of $6 million in pledges and contributions raised in 10 months. With the gift from Alro
Steel, the capital campaign has raised over $20 million in pledges and contributions.

“For generations, the Glick family have been leaders in our community. Their gift resonates with me
personally because I grew up in a Jackson family that was proud to work in manufacturing and the
steel industry,” said Shawna Tello, CEO of the Jackson YMCA. “Alro Steel has long been strong
supporters of youth education and sports. The Y shares the belief that every child has potential and
that all people deserve an opportunity to thrive, no matter who they are or where they are from.”

The Glick family is known for its love of Jackson and their philanthropic support of a wide variety
of organizations in the community. Most recently Al Glick and his family made a significant gift to
Jackson Public Schools for an indoor fieldhouse and stadium improvements and invested in the
newly renovated Martin Luther King Community Center.

Continuing discussions with capital campaign major donors and collaborative partners, the new YMCA
facility’s profile and design are expected to be finalized soon. The Y anticipates having a nearly
finalized design and a construction cost estimate by the end of the year. For more information, visit


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