April 2, 2020, Michigan Governer Gretchen Whitmer signed Executive Order 2020-35, ordering the cancellation of all in-person learning at K-12 school buildings for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year, unless restrictions on gatherings are lifted before then.
Facilities may be used by public school employees and contractors to facilitate learning from a distance, while also practicing social distancing.
A Continuity of Learning Plan is currently in the works for local schools to utilize to create their own learning plans for students moving forward and will be available by April 3. For details on requirements and guidelines for these learning plans, see Gov. Whitmer’s Executive Order here: EO-2020-35-1
Districts will need to implement processes to allow on-track students to advance to the next grade and give high school seniors what they need to graduate.
All upcoming standardized tests for the 2019-2020 school year, including the M-STEP and SAT, will be cancelled. The SAT and PSAT may be taken in October.
For the full Executive Order, click here. View the press briefing below.