Wireless Charging Road in Detroit


It is being called the nation’s first wireless-charging public roadway and it’s just west of downtown Detroit. Copper inductive charging coils were installed to allow vehicles equipped with receivers to charge up their batteries while driving, idling

Jackson Interfaith Shelter CEO Steve Castle


Recently Jackson Interfaith Shelter CEO Steve Castle joined Greg O’Connor during AM Jackson on News Talk 970AM/101.5FM. Steve said it’s a thankless yet very rewarding job. The Jackson Interfaith Shelter is always looking for donations and you

Scoreboard roundup — 11/29/23


iStock (NEW YORK) — Here are the scores from Wednesday’s sports events: NATIONAL BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION LA Lakers 133, Detroit 107 Orlando 139, Washington 120 Toronto 112, Phoenix 105 Memphis 105, Utah 91 New Orleans 124, Philadelphia 114