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Community Foundation launches charitable fund in Carolyn Bloodworth’s name


Jackson, Mich. (WKHM) — The Jackson Community Foundation (JCF) has announced the launch of a new charitable fund: The Carolyn A. Bloodworth Legacy Fund. The fund, according to a release by JCF, will join over 400 existing funds used to strengthen and build the community through grantmaking to local charitable causes and students in Jackson County. The initial gift of $5,000 to launch the fund was given by the Consumers Energy Foundation.

Consumers Energy employees created the fund in honor of Bloodworth’s retirement after 42 years of service, most recently as both the Executive Director of Corporate Giving and the Secretary/Treasurer of the Consumers Energy Foundation.

“Carolyn’s heart for philanthropy and love for our Jackson community is boundless! We are honored to be a small part of Carolyn’s legacy with the establishment of this new Fund. The Fund will provide a permanent source of income to help Jackson County nonprofits,” said Monica Moser, JCF President & CEO. “Under Carolyn’s leadership, the Consumers Energy Foundation has become an important partner to JCF and we look forward to continuing that collaboration with her successor, Cathy Wilson.”

To donate to the fund, visit and type “Carolyn A. Bloodworth Legacy Fund” in the description box or mail donations to 100 S. Jackson St., Suite 200, Jackson, MI 49201.

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