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Severe Weather Awareness Week aims to help prepare Michigan residents for the unexpected


Severe Weather Awareness Week aims to help Michigan residents prepare for the unexpected when it comes to weather related incidents.

The yearly statewide tornado drill is scheduled for Wednesday at 1 p.m Sirens will be activated, and TV and radio stations will be airing the message from local emergency management agencies.

Michigan averages 15 tornados a year. The best way to prepare is to develop an emergency plan. Having a preparedness kit with essential items such as a three-day water and food supply, a NOAA Weather Radio, important family documents, and other unique items that your family may need. Also, identify a safe place in your home. The average lead time for tornadoes to develop is 10 to 15 minutes, which means you need to be ready to react quickly when a warning is issued.

Get more information on Severe Weather Awareness Week here.


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