Jackson, Mich. — In a recent interview with WKHM, Jackson County Sheriff Gary Schuette addressed some concerns he has heard from voters regarding the language on the November 8 ballot for the County Jail and Sheriff’s Office.
“One of the things that is said… a portion of the millage will be distributed to the Downtown Development Authority, City of Jackson, and then there’s other local authorities,” says Schuette. “What I wanted to clear up is that this is standard language. It goes on every ballot. Every ballot initiative that’s countywide has it. So, even the past ballots that included the animal shelter, for instance, the parks, all had this language contained within it.” Schuette goes on to explain more in-depth in the full interview clip below.
Another concern Schuette is hearing from voters is the amount of the $5.2 million millage being “inflated.” He says that typically there’s about a 2 to 2.5% markup in the event that there are cost runovers, but in this particular case, there is a 20% markup at the Sheriff’s request. Schuette says he wants to make sure they don’t have to go back and ask for additional money in the event that inflation causes problems. He says that if there is extra money left over, the law requires that the millage rate be lowered in proportion.
Schuette also goes on to assuage that patrols will not be cut if this millage does not pass. “There’s no plans at all that we’re going to put anybody out of work, or that we’re going to lay off Sheriff’s deputies… frankly, we don’t have enough.”
Listen to the full interview below:
The millage will appear on the November 8th, 2022 ballot. The ballot language as it appears on the Jackson County Website, co.jackson.mi.us, is below:
For the purpose of constructing, equipping, and financing an addition to the County Jail and a new Sheriff’s Office to replace the existing building, and for their ongoing operating expenses, shall the Constitutional limitation upon the total amount of taxes which may be assessed in one (1) year upon all property within the County of Jackson, Michigan be increased by up to one (1) mill, $1.00 per thousand dollars of state taxable valuation, for a period of twenty (20) years (2022-2041) inclusive?
If approved and levied in full, this Millage will raise an estimated $5,275,280 in the first calendar year of the levy, based on state taxable valuation. If approved and levied, in accordance with State law a portion of the millage may be distributed to the Downtown Development Authorities of the City of Jackson, the Villages of Grass Lake and Springport, and the Townships of Blackman and Leoni; the Local Development Finance Authorities of the Village of Parma and the Township of Blackman; and the Brownfield Redevelopment Authority of the City of Jackson.
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