Parents of Columbia School Districts Elementary Schools, located at 320 and 321 School Street, received a text around 2:40 pm this afternoon (October 11, 2022) notifying them that the buildings had been placed into a “soft” lockdown.
The text notification went on to say that the measure was taken “Due to a bank robbery at the Comerica Bank in Brooklyn”. The Comerica Bank is located at 11351 Brooklyn Road, just a little over a mile from the elementary schools.
Columbia Township Police “specified” that the school not allow any buses to be sent to the elementary’s until they were given the all clear. The buses run from Columbia Central High School, on Hewitt Road in Brooklyn, and were held there while the situation was being resolved.
An hour later, around 3:40 pm, parents received a text notification stating that “Columbia School District has been given the all clear to release the students”. At that time the high school students, who were waiting for the buses to be released, then entered the bus and proceeded to the elementary schools. The district estimated that the students would run about 45 to 50 minutes late.
Calls to Columbia Township Police were not immediately returned. Details on the Comerica Bank robbery were unavailable as of this posting.
A similar situation happened at Jackson Public Schools’ Hunt Elementary on September 26th, 2022.