Man Who Fell In Vat Of Chemicals Being Treated At U-M Hospital Burn Unit

JACKSON, MI – A male employee at Jackson Tumble Finish is being treated at the University of Michigan Hospital Burn Unit after falling in a vat of chemicals. Jackson Tumble Finish has been in business for over 60
Mayor Mahoney Announces Summit To Reduce Violence Set For May

Jackson Mayor Daniel Mahoney last week told listeners about a ‘summit to reduce violence’ that is still in the planning stages, but we can say it will be held on Friday, May 13th, according to Mayor Mahoney…
Athena Award, Jamie McKibbin Enthusiast Award Winners Announced

WKHM is teaming up with the Jackson County Chamber, announcing their annual awards this week, and we kicked it off with this years ‘Athena Award’ winner, Terri Ogg, longtime manager at Manpower Inc… Terri joins a