Mayoral Candidates To Interview On WKHM 7/21-7/22

As the primary election for mayor gets closer, The 4 candidates will be talking with Greg O’Connor this week in hopes of reaching potential voters. Wednesday John Wilson – 8:35 am Daniel Mahoney – 9:30 am  

MC Superintendent Talks Candlelight Vigil For Former Students

  Michigan Center Schools Superintendent talked about the Monday night candlelight vigil for Dawson Brown, Cole Sova, and Richie Mays who all passed away unexpectedly from Carbon Monoxide Poisoning at the Faster Horses festival while sleeping in

Birth Brite Teaming Up With Walton Insurance Group

  A long time coming, a group formed to help foster kids in the Jackson area. ‘Birth Brite’ CEO and Co-Founder is Monique Zantop…   The Walton Insurance Group will team up with Birth Brite starting July