Mindy Bradish Orta On Energy Star Recognition
As reported on Wednesday, Jackson is number one in the nation for most energy star certified buildings in a small city, Mindy Bradish Orta from Consumers Energy talks the excitement level at Consumers Energy… Many
Dr. New On Back To Work Nerves
With people heading back to the office, Dr. Deanna Lites says some are nervous… Dr. Andrew New from Henry Ford Allegiance Health expands on the topic… Kids and students have struggled mentally… Sleep
State of Michigan to lift Covid-19 restrictions June 22

LANSING, Mich. – Governor Gretchen Whitmer today accelerated the end of all COVID-19 epidemic orders on gatherings and masking as COVID-19 cases continue to plummet following increased vaccinations. Beginning June 22, capacity in both indoor and outdoor settings will increase to 100% and the state will no longer require residents to wear a face mask. “Today
Former MC Girls Basketball Coach To Takeover Comets Program
Longtime Michigan Center Girls Basketball coach Joe Lusk left the Cardinals to coach for former rival Hanover Horton. Coach Lusk talks his decision for the switch… Andy Birch, who recently coached the comets girls basketball