Choice Labs CEO Wes Lutz On The Cannabis Industry

  Owner and CEO of Choice Laboratories Wes Lutz on owning the largest Cannabis Manufacturing Operation in the state of Michigan…   Lutz on learning the cannabis market as they go on due to there not being

Councilmember Dancy Hosting Virtual Meeting

Neighborhood meetings in Jackson are returning in a virtual format. Second Ward City Councilmember Freddie Dancy has planned a virtual neighborhood meeting for Monday, April 26 at 6 p.m. on the Zoom platform. Prior to the COVID-19

Tom Coffey’s Soft Water

Today for Local Contractors Week, we’re featuring Tom Coffey’s Soft Water, Jackson’s only authorized independent Kinetico dealer. Founded in 1970, Tom Coffey’s Soft Water is a family owned and operated small business. Tom Coffey’s Soft Water has