Consumers Energy Pandemic Assistance

    Consumers Energy announced plans to assist up to 40,000 customers hit hard by the pandemic with $12 million.  Chief Customer officer Brian Rich said if you have an issue with your bill calling 211 is

World War II Expert Larry martin

  World War II expert Larry martin is back with “In Their Own Words” at the Jackson District Library.  Thursday’s show will be done virtually…   Jackson’s Lt. lee Zimmerman who was shot down and taken as

CNB President John Waldron

  County National Bank President John Waldron spoke about rates on the CNB show Tuesday morning on AM Jackson…  

Candidate for 65th District State Rep Nancy Smith

  Retired Hanover-Horton teacher Nancy Smith is running against incumbent Sarah Lightner for 65th District State Rep.  Smith is aware of the difficulties for a Democrat candidate in Jackson County…   Smith is appalled by where Michigan

Consumers Energy and DTE Joint Charging Station Venture

  Recently Consumers Energy and DTE Energy announced a joint venture with several other companies to increase access to electric vehicle charging stations in the midwest.  Consumers Energy Senior Public Information Director Brian Wheeler…   Elon Musk