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AM Jackson with Marc W. Daly
Mon - Fri: 06:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Center Stage Jackson receives MCACA Grant

Center Stage Jackson has been awarded a grant of $1,000 from the State of Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs (MCACA). The grant was awarded through the MCACA peer review process and was one of 561 applications to compete for MCACA fiscal year 2019 funding.

This grant will be used to support the Administrative Director position during the COVID-19 pandemic. This person is our only year-round contractor and handles day-to-day operations and year-round planning. Because our organization strives to give artistic and educational opportunities to as many members of our community as possible, the teams that direct our shows differ from production to production. The Administrative Director provides continuity from show to show and year to year, providing valuable information and structural efficiency learned from previous productions (examples: updating our website, mailing list, and social media, providing guidance on show budget creation, executing a consistent format for auditions, providing useful documents to directors, and corresponding with venues). This allows team members working directly on a production to focus on their art without repeating mistakes discovered in prior years, as well as freeing up the board of directors to focus on larger organizational goals.

The MCACA peer review process allows for each grant application to be competitively considered by a panel of in-state and out-of-state arts and culture professionals. This ensures the taxpayers, who support this project through legislative appropriations, and all other visitors or residents in Michigan will have access to the highest quality arts and cultural experiences.

A complete list of grant awards around the state is available by contacting MCACA at (517) 241-4011, or by visiting the MCACA website at

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