Latest Executive Order extends protections for vulnerable populations in jails & juvenile detention
LANSING, Mich. — Governor Whitmer today signed Executive Order 2020-146 which extends protections for vulnerable populations in Michigan’s county jails, local lockups and juvenile detention centers through Aug. 6, 2020. “By extending this executive order we protect both
Workplace safety guidelines outlined for Meat and Poultry Processing Facilities
LANSING, Mich. — Governor Whitmer today signed Executive Order 2020-145 which outlines workplace safety guidelines for meatpacking plants to keep employees safe. “Meatpacking plants — where employees work in very close quarters — has proven to be a
United Way Status Update
Jackson County United Way President and CEO Ken Toll told WKHM that they’ve slowed coronavirus funding… The United Way continues to support about 2 dozen local programs…
JPS Superintendent Jeff Beal
Recently on WKHM Jackson Public Schools Superintendent Jeff Beal about working with other superintendents in Jackson County… Kids will be wearing masks at school… Beal thinks fall sports are going to be played as
Executive Directive to Improve Equity Across Michigan’s Health Care System
LANSING, Mich. — Governor Whitmer today signed Executive Directive 2020-7 which directs the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) to begin developing rules that will require implicit bias training as part of the knowledge and skills necessary
COVID-19 numbers update for Thursday, July 9, 2020
Jackson County is reporting a total of 512 cumulative COVID-19 cases and 31 COVID-19 related deaths, as of July 9th, 2020. Report Date: July 9, 2020 Number of Cases* (Cumulative) Number of Deaths* Recovered** Jackson County 512
United Way distributes 170k pounds of food, 132k supply items for COVID-19 relief
Jackson, MI — The United Way of Jackson County has collaborated with the City of Jackson to meet community needs during the COVID-19 crisis. This time of the year, the Boos Community Center is often packed with