Unleashed and Lovin’ it!

Open for dog daycare, lodging, toe nail trims and self-serve pet wash Unleashed and lovin’ it! 3104 Page Ave Jackson, MI 49203 www.unleashedandlovinit.com

Michigan COVID-19 numbers for Monday, May 11

Today (Monday, May 11) the State of Michigan reports a total confirmed COVID-19 case count of 47,552 and 4,584 deaths. That is up 414 cases and 33 deaths from yesterday’s report. As of Friday, May 8, 22,686

Jerome Country Market

Monday-Sunday 8am-7pm Sunday 10am-6pm Special senior shopping hours starting at 6am! Jerome Country Market (517) 688-4041 8985 E. Chicago Rd. (US-12) Jerome, MI 49249

Jackson County COVID-19 report for Monday, May 11

Jackson County is reporting the following cases and deaths due to COVID-19 as of 12 p.m. Monday, May 11: Report Date:  May 11, 2020 Number of Cases* (Cumulative) Number of Deaths* Jackson County 399 25 Not included

Laughlin’s Slice of Spice


517-962-4311 7851 Spring Arbor Rd open for carry-out and curbside pick-up Tuesday-Saturday 4-8pm Full menu with Bottled Beer Carry-out Coming soon—Online ordering and KENO Now more than ever it’s important to BUY LOCAL!  It’s predicted 25% of small

Good Time to Replace Heater and A/C

  Gary Schultz from Aspen One Hour Heating and A/C on WKHM recently said this is a great time to take advantage of a great deal on a complete replacement from Aspen and Amana…  

Beck’s Flower Shop

  Gary Beck owner of Beck’s Flower Shop and Gardens said on WKHM Friday that despite being open again it is hardly business as usual in the flower and garden industry…