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Wall Street Journal Report
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Michigan COVID-19 Numbers update Monday, April 6

A local update in Jackson, Michigan from Henry Ford Allegiance Health:

As of 11 a.m. on Monday, April 6, there are 36 individuals with positive COVID-19 results who are inpatients at Henry Ford Allegiance Health. An additional 16 persons under investigation are hospitalized at HFAH. To date, a total of 10 positive COVID-19 inpatients at HFAH have fully recovered and have been discharged, including one patient today.

Visit the Jackson County Health Department website for updates regarding Jackson County.

The State of Michigan is reporting a total of 17,221 COVID-19 cases to date and 727 COVID-19 related deaths. The average age of the deceased is 71.8 years. According to data compiled by the New York Times, Michigan still ranks #3 in the U.S. for most cases of COVID-19. A large concentration of the virus is in the Southeast area of Michigan.

Henry Ford Health System is asking people to display a white ribbon in their window or outside their home to show support of first responders in the COVID-19 crisis. You can get a white ribbon template here.

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