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Jackson County Health Department limits non-essential services

March 18, 2020 — Jackson, Michigan

Effective immediately the Jackson County Health Department and Human Services Building will begin to suspend or limit non-essential services with a focus on diverting staff to work on the COVID-19 response including screening visitors coming into the building. This will be an evolving situation over time.

All customers to the Human Services Building will be screened for COVID-19 symptoms prior to their entry. Anyone with business involving the Human Service Building (Department on Aging, MSU Extension Services, Guardian’s Office, Smiles on Wheels Veterans Office, or Health Department) is encouraged to call and ask if you can conduct your business remotely via phone, email or other method.

North Entrance and Lot A will be the single point of entry to the Human Services Building. Questions concerning COVID-19 testing can be directed toward the Henry Ford MyCare Advice Line at (313) 874-7500, 24 hours a day. The Jackson County Health Department Hotline for questions not related to testing is (517) 788-4420, option 9.

If you have symptoms such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, you have traveled in the last 14 days, or you have been exposed to someone else who has these symptoms, you are asked to stay home and contact the Henry Ford Allegiance Health MyCare Advice Line listed above to discuss possible testing for COVID-19.

Jackson County Health Department: mijackson.org/hd

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