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COVID-19 response fund launched to address needs in Jackson County

United Way of Jackson County, Jackson Community Foundation Partner on Fund

JACKSON, Michigan [March 16, 2020] – United Way of Jackson County and the Jackson Community Foundation jointly launched a new fund to help the community deal with the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak and the steps taken to slow the disease’s spread.

“The new COVID-19 Response Fund will support broad-based efforts that lift up those who are disproportionately impacted,” said Ken Toll, President & CEO of United Way of Jackson County..

“We are so fortunate that our community has a network of leaders across the sectors of K-12 and post-secondary schools, businesses, nonprofits, government, and philanthropy.  We are all working together to coordinate an efficient, effective, and timely response to a rapidly changing situation,” said Monica Moser, President & CEO of the Jackson Community Foundation.

As schools close and businesses curtail operations, even temporarily Jackson County residents who struggle financially face big challenges, said Toll. According to the latest ALICE Report, 42% of county households are either in poverty or Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed—that is, working but barely making ends meet.

“Many ALICE workers are in jobs that don’t offer paid sick days, or don’t have the option to work from home,” he explained. “And many don’t have employer-provided health insurance. Any and all of those things can push ALICE families further behind financially.”

The Jackson Community Foundation and United Way of Jackson County are part of a network of nonprofits, community leaders and crisis response groups collaborating to identify the greatest needs and develop actions to address them. Among the many issues they’re looking at are access to food, household essentials like toiletries and cleaning supplies, and how to keep the community’s safety net strong as the crisis continues.

You can make a gift to the COVID-19 Relief Fund by going to the UWJC website, uwjackson.org, and click on Donate. Fill out the form, click on “Type of Gift” and select “COVID-19 Response Fund.” You can also text VIRUS to 91999 to make a contribution.

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