Steward Avenue from Wildwood Avenue to W. Ganson Street will be closed to through traffic staring Monday, June 17 so crews can replace a water main under the street and replace damaged pavement.
Steward Avenue is a major roadway near Downtown Jackson where several large apartment complexes are located. The work is happening on Steward between Wildwood Avenue and the railroad tracks.
Crews will first replace an aging and undersized water main with new piping. Once work on the water main is complete, the street will receive a fresh layer of pavement. Curbs and sidewalks will be repaired, along with the installation of new lighting.
The street will remain open for local traffic only so residents can still access their driveways in the work zone. Work is expected to be completed in late August. Plans to resurface Steward Avenue north of the railroad tracks to W. Ganson Street are planned for a future construction season.