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Coast to Coast
Mon - Fri: 01:00 AM - 05:00 AM Saturday: 01:00 AM - 06:00 AM Sunday: 12:00 AM - 08:30 AM

Area townships begin their spring hydrant flushing programs yesterday.

  • Summit Township hydrant flushing will take place between 8am and 4:30pm Monday through Friday over the course of the next three weeks.
  • Spring Arbor Township will begin on April 15, with similar hours, and will take one week to complete.
  • Napoleon Township flushing starts May 6th, and will also take one week to complete.

Hydrant flushing is necessary to wash iron and sediment out of the water mains. The sediment does not effect water quality, but can cause water to become discolored. The water is safe to drink and discoloration often disappears within a short time.

Residents are advised to not wash clothing while lines are being flushed in their area and for motorists to slow down and use caution if driving past a hydrant being flushed.

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